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ARI Mooney Nose Cowl Mods
Your One-Stop Aviation Shoppers' Mall (ASM)

Product Categories


Networking Ads:
The Networking Ad Section of the Aviation Shoppers Mall (ASM) is divided into three categories: "Aircraft for Sale"; "Products, Parts, and Services"; and "Other Ad Categories." The "Aircraft for Sale" Category will link to aircraft ads from most of the major online used aircraft distributors, which include Trade-A-Plane, Aircraft Shopper Online,, Aviators Hot Line, and Business Air. These aircraft for sale links will be provided as a free service to bring a very large percentage of the aircraft market to one place for analysis and searches by perspective buyers. Smaller aircraft distributors can add their aircraft to this section by listing their website in the "Aircraft Sales/Marketing, F2" Sub-Category.

The other two categories, "Products, Parts, and Services" and "Other Ad Categories" are designed to provide placeholders for virtually all of the primary products and services available in the aviation industry. Companies and organizations are assigned to one or more categories in accordance with the products or services they provide by using a Category Assignment Matrix. The following information is available for each company ad: the company contact information; the company picture, logo or message; up to a 75-word (525-character) description of the company product or service; the ability to attach up to six (6) pdf/text files of information about the company's products or services; a direct link to the product or service on the company's website; and a Google Map of the company location where available (See the Ad Format below).

If a company was an exhibitor at the last NBAA or AOPA annual convention, it is eligible for a free listing on the ASM. The initial company information and product category assignment displayed in the ASM will be based on the company profile that was submitted for the convention directory. That initial company information will not change unless the company purchases a networking ad subscription, which will allow the company to have control of the information being displayed on the ASM. Each company networking ad subscription will be for one year, except for any attached pdf/text files, and will include a free picture, logo or message. Any attached pdf/text files may have a one-year, six-month, or two-month display period and may be initiated at any time during the one-year subscription period, provided there is sufficient time remaining before expiration to accommodate the file display period. If there is insufficient time to accommodate the file display period, a notice will be given. If the file is attached anyway, any excess time will be lost.

Company Name:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
City, State, ZIP:
Email Address:
Website Address:

Each of the attached pdf/text files may include one or more 8.5 X 11 pages of information. The networking ad cost matrix below assumes that each of the six (6) pdf/text files will have only one 8.5 X 11 page of information, which we will call the "standard file." Adding more 8.5 X 11 pages to each "standard file" above the one page will be counted as extra pages and will be charged accordingly. One-year or six-month pdf/text files come with 6 or 3 free updates, respectively, as shown in the cost matrix below.

As described above and in the matrix below, one-year subscriptions and file attachments include six (6) free updates during each subscription period. If there is a need to exceed the number of free updates during the subscription period, the cost of each additional update will be the monthly cost shown in the matrix times the number of months and fractional months left in the subscription period. Updates to attached pdf/text files assume the same or a fewer number of pages in each file. Each excess file update will be charged the monthly rate times the number of pages in the updated file times the months and fractional months left in the subscription period. These free updates will allow the company to maintain and control the accuracy of the information in each of their networking ads using our online editing program. Our online editing program will allow the user to update existing networking ads, assign a company to additional product or service categories, or add a new company to the network.

The ARI Company Category Assignment Matrix contains sixteen (16) major categories of aviation products and services. Each major category contains up to ten (10) sub-categories of aviation products and services. Click on Category Assignment Matrix to print a copy of the matrix. A very large company may have products and services that fit into several major categories and/or several sub-categories under a major category. The cost matrix below shows how links are priced within the same major category and across other major categories. The "Overflow Products & Services" Category is a place holder for sub-categores that will not fit into one of the other 15 major categories, which only have space for 10 sub-categories. They will be assigned to the proper, or a new, major category at a later date.

Sub-Categories with listings that ARI provides free of charge through website searches are marked with an asterisk. Sub-categories that are listed by location are color coded red. FBO (Fixed Base Operator), MRO (Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul), and Real Estate facilities are assigned by location. In the United States each state has a location number. Internationally, a location number is assigned to either a country or a continent. Click on Location Assignment Matrix to print a copy of the ARI Location Assignment Matrix. The cost matrix below shows how links are priced within the same location number and across other location numbers.

Companies with a large network of FBO's or MRO's will find it very economical to purchase networking ad subscriptions for their whole network at the corporate level, because they are only 33% to 67% of the cost of subscriptions for individual locations. We give the company the option of managing their networking ads at the corporate level or delegating them to each FBO or MRO. The subscriptions purchased at the corporate level have the same benefits as individual subscriptions, including six (6) free updates for each FBO or MRO. This centralized process is also available to any company or organization with multiple networking ads.

Description QNTY Free Updates Price Total Cost
One-Year - Networking Ad Text (6 Free Updates) 1 6 $450.00 $450.00
One-Year - Each Excess Text Update for the Ad Year per Month None $37.50 $0.00
One-Year - Networking Ad Price per Pdf/Text File (6 Updates) 3 6 $480.00 $1,440.00
One-Year - Networking Ad Price - Each Addt'l Pdf/Text Page 2 6 $480.00 $960.00
One-Year - Each Excess File Page Update for the Ad Year per Month None $40.00 $0.00
One-Year - Networking Ad - Picture or Company Logo 6 $0.00 $0.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l Excess Update of Picture or Company Logo None $25.00 $0.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l Link in Same Major Ad Category 6 $150.00 $0.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l Link to Other Major Ad Categories 6 $300.00 $0.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l FBO in Same Location Number 15 6 $150.00 $2,250.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l FBO in Other Location Numbers 5 6 $300.00 $1,500.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l MRO in Same Location Number 6 $150.00 $0.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l MRO in Other Location Numbers 6 $300.00 $0.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l Excess Update for $150 Ad Cycle per Month None $12.50 $0.00
One-Year - Each Addt'l Excess Update for $300 Ad Cycle per Month None $25.00 $0.00
Six-Month - Networking Ad Price per Pdf/Text File (3 Updates) 3 3 $270.00 $810.00
Six-Month - Networking Ad Price - Each Addt'l Pdf/Text Page 2 3 $270.00 $540.00
Six-Month - Each Addt'l Excess File Update for Ad Cycle per Month None $45.00 $0.00
Two-Month - Networking Ad Price per Pdf/Text File (No Update) None $100.00 $0.00
Two-Month - Networking Ad Price - Each Addt'l Pdf/Text Page None $100.00 $0.00
Two-Month - Each Addt'l Excess File Update for Ad Cycle per Month None $50.00 $0.00
Days In The Ad Period/ Year-To-Date File Days Sub-Total $7,950.00
186 Sub-Total Less Adjustments 0.00% $7,950.00
135 Sales Tax (Texas Residents 8.25%) 0 8.25% $0.00
372 62 Shipping & Handling 0 $0.00 $0.00
220 47 Total Amount Of Order $7,950.00

Benefits of Networking Ad Section to Advertisers:

  1. Standard one-year subscription period for each of your company product or service networking ads.
  2. A Google Map of your company location, where available, is included with your subscription.
  3. A Free company picture, logo or message is included with your subscription.
  4. Up to a 525 character description of your company product or service is included with your subscription.
  5. Up to six (6) free updates to your networking ad information using our online editing program.
  6. Companies listed in 5 or more multiple categories who subscribe will have a one-page, linked listing of all their categories.
  7. Each company product or service ad will have links to the appropriate section of your company website.
  8. Up to six pdf or text files can be attached to each of your company product or service networking ads.
  9. Up to approximately twelve (12) 8.5 X 11 pages of information can be included in each pdf or text file.
  10. Each of your pdf/text files can have a narrative title of up to 70 characters that describes its contents.
  11. One-year or six-month pdf or text files come with 6 or 3 free updates, respectively.
  12. Secure Online Payments with PayPal or your credit card.

Other Networking Services and Features:
Aviation abbreviations are provided on the left menu bar to enable potential customers to fully understand the classified ads that use a large number of aviation abbreviations.

Telephone area codes are provided on the left menu bar to enable potential customers to determine where in the country an advertiser is located from the contact telephone numbers in the ads we are linking to.

The Aircraft Spec & Aviation Library on the left and top menu bars gives the customer information, pictures and specs on the various makes and models of aircraft that are in the new and used aircraft market place. The vast majority of these aircraft are no longer in production, but the spec library provides detailed information about features and upgrades that were promoted when many of these aircraft were in production. This library is intended to assist the customer in finding the new or used aircraft that best fits their budget and operational requirements. In addition to providing the customer with shopping information, the library provides information that will assist the user with their planning, training, research, and education.


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